Hey guys, so today I am coming at you with my first holiday gift guide video of the season, I'm so excited to be doing this, I'm going to have at least a couple holiday gift guides this season, so the topic of this gift guide is going to be five ideas, unique ideas for personalized gift items under fifty dollars for those of you who are not already following me on Instagram, my handle will be right here, I'll also obviously linking it down below these are not going to be things where I'm like D I Y craft a whole collage, no these are gonna be one and done easy things where you can just either order online or go quickly to the store get it done and have that be that let me know of any good gifts that you guys are giving this year that are extra personal or special or anything like that, I'd love to hear them in the comments below before we get into that I wanted to take a moment to shout out the sponsor for this video, it is something that you should definitely have while you're doing all this holiday shopping and that is shop tiger, you guys know I have done many videos shop tiger in the past it's one of my absolute favorite collaborators, it's one of my favorite apps to use it's something I live.

  Really used this morning shop tiger is a web APP that allows you to get notifications when items you've saved on a list, come back in stock on the website also allows you to see when things you've saved to a list have gone say out of my favorite features that shop tiger has is coupon code searching so I deleted any other coupon apps I had in my browser because the shop tiger, one was by far the strongest in my personal opinion I used it this morning I was ordering my Thanksgiving outfit and a couple of Christmas gifts and found coupon codes right away, now I'm gonna show you guys exactly how you can use shop tiger for your holiday shopping okay so you want to start if you haven't done this already is obviously to download the shop tag or button, it connects automatically to your browser plugs in it'll be right there, if you have Google Chrome, it's honestly so so easy, just do it I will link it down below, now I'm gonna show you guys how exactly to add something to a list on shop tagore and use the tool accordingly so, I want to add this barefoot dreams blanket is the blanket of my dreams either need to have it for me, I need to give.

 Somebody else I just need to have this somewhere in my life so I'm gonna add this to my shop tiger list, it's obviously pretty pricey so it's something I want to keep an eye on price wise so you can do notify when any price change, it's out of stock, it also gives the option to do notify when back in stock, so for a list, I'm going to add it to Christmas 2019 update and products saved, it's that simple now to show you guys what my list looks like on shop tiger, so on the shop tiger site, I'm in my Christmas 2019 left and there it is the things that I have saved so far all curated together in this list and then I wanted to share with you guys as well that coupon feature that I was telling you guys about this is actually the website I used on this morning, but this is how it looks, it's just this little popup and it's so cute click I feel lucky, it will search for an applicable coupon code and automatically apply it, if one does apply it is such a handy good seamless tool to use you guys can click the link in the description bar to download shop tag or for yourself.

  Come in handy for you big time, let's get into the first personalized gift idea that is under fifty dollars so my first gift idea is actually a custom illustration slash portrait, so this sounds super stuffy and you picture like a picture of George Washington hanging in the white house, I'm talking more specifically about like a custom illustration something super super fun a subscriber of mine Megan, she has an Etsy shop called Lava creations Co earlier this year she sent me an illustration that she had done based on a photo of me and my sisters were in disneyworld where he's matching polka dot rappers, she did this kind of party rendition of it and I it's just oh my god, I love it so much I actually took the pdfs that she sent me and blew it up into a massive canvas and it's in my living room right now, you guys may have seen in some of my videos, she did that and she can actually do the same thing for you for such an amazing price I just love having this hung up she's so talented, this is so unique, I mean this is such a wow gift, you're gonna give to somebody Megan is not paying me to say this, she just passed on a coupon code when I told her.

I was doing this video idea, it is Haley ten for 10% off anything over five dollars in her shop, so definitely guys I know you guys are gonna love this so I'll be linking her shop down below your siblings or your parents or your friends like it's something that's definitely more personal, okay gift number two is an easy way to kind of ramp up a very classic gift idea and that is personalized wine, so earlier this year, my friend Taylor moved into a new house and she was having a labor day party that was kind of a housewarming party, would you want to call a house warming party, while all the gifts and you know stuff like that, but I was like Taylor I'm still gonna bring you a bottle of wine or something to celebrate the house, but I didn't want to just get her a bottle of wine, this website called personal wine, dot com I believe something like that there's probably other websites that do this too, but you could customize a label of a glass of wine I think I got them lamarca prosecco and they customize the label, it was a cute pink door with their last name on it, so it was a super cute way to just level up the average wine gift was well under fifty.

 With shipping and I think you can also get it engraved that's a little more expensive, but if you want to buy a nice bottle of wine, it's probably going to throw you out of under fifty Mark, but if you want to buy a nice bottle of wine and grape that is an option, it's a great way to bring a bottle of wine a bottle of champagne a bottle of something to a party, but like I said make it stand out, make it a little different than the average just like wine in a wine bag you know what I'm saying kind of a gift, okay number three this is something my sister actually got me a couple years ago I feel like it's gonna be so fingerprinting but that is a personalized y es El lipstick, so this is something that looks like a million dollars my sister is working in soho a couple years ago and they were having y El beauty was having a pop up, or they had some sort of like maybe they have a store there I forget they were having this event where you could pick out a lipstick and get it great how that service is available to anybody, you don't have to go to soho to do, it's online it's on their website, the engraving is free, most of their lipsticks are under forty you're like 38 ish, so it's obviously a luxury beauty item, but the fact that you can get the engraving for free, just as hayley was so special though when she gave.

 It's me and it's something that I will always keep even when this runs out, so if you have a beauty lover on your gift list somebody that has everything, this is such a great way to kind of honor, their love of beauty, but also make it personal make it memorable make it really really special, so I'll link the y El video website down below okay tip number four this is something that is more like personal something you do for your husband or wife, or this is something you might do for your apparent someone that Co exists with you, because this is a little harder but it is definitely personal and it's definitely special and something I've done before and that is taking an item somebody already owns to get engraved so this can be a little difficult depending on what the item is a watch, they wear everyday or a ring, they wear everyday, but if it's something they don't wear everyday, just like their grandmothers ring or something like that, maybe they keep it in a jewelry box, you can figure out you have to get crafty a way to sneak that piece out of the house, maybe for cleaning or something like that and bring it to a jeweler just takes a simple phone call to find a jeweler near you that graves I've done this before a watch I've taken a watch that somebody has warned get engraved with something special.

  Bring it back and then give it to them it's pretty inexpensive to do this and there's such fun ways that you could give the item to somebody, there was like this is my watch, like I wear this every day, why are you gifting this to me, you know what I'm saying like no turn it over the very last unique personalized, gift idea under fifty bucks or fifteen under however you want to say it is going to come of no surprise to you, if you've watched my videos and gift guides specifically for awhile especially if you've watched my what I got people for Christmas this year videos because this is something I do every year without fail, and that is a picture I always give pictures to people canvases framed pictures something like this where you can get your frame get a photo like it's so special and fun to get a frame picture that you love I just collab with framing easy, they are not paying me for placement in this video I did do a collaboration with them, but this is a product slash service that I personally will continue to use well beyond the means of collaboration, I love about framing easy, you can order a frame for something you have at home and you want to get the frame and frame it or you can do what I did.

  What I'm suggesting in this particular case which is you can upload a picture that you like, and you could customize the exact specifications that you want for the frame, so I chose the width of this frame, and then this color your pricing depends on the configuration that you end up with something like this size will definitely be well under fifty dollars this doesn't involve you getting something printed at CVS or a photo place running out getting a frame framing it yourself, you literally just upload the photo and it arrives your doorstep frame, so guys that is it for my first gift guide video of the season, I hope you all enjoy, let me know of any good personalized gifts that you guys are giving this year, thank you so much for watching, please comment subscribe bye guys.

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